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Ohren anlegen/ Ohrenkorrektur/ Otoplastik
in Hannover

duration of the intervention

60-90 Minuten

type of anesthesia

local anesthesia


1-2 Wochen

Let your eyes shine - with tight eyelids.

Eyelid surgery gives your gaze a new dimension. With precise finesse and artful hand movements, tired, sagging eyelids are transformed into radiant eyes that underline your beauty.

"Eyelids are like gateways to the soul, they open to a world of emotions and tell us more about a person's character than a thousand words ever could."

PD. dr medical SA Alawi


An indication for buccal fat removal is excess fat in the cheek area, causing a round or full facial profile. The procedure can help achieve a slim and defined facial contour and make the face appear slimmer overall. However, it is important to note that the procedure is only indicated for certain face shapes and proportions and is not suitable for everyone. 



Buccal Fat Removal is a surgical procedure that removes excess fat in the cheek area to create a slimmer facial contour. The procedure is usually performed under local anesthetic and usually takes an hour or less. During the procedure, a small incision is made from the oral cavity in the cheek area in order to carefully remove the fatty tissue.  The bleeding is carefully stopped and sutures are sewn with absorbable threads._cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_

Nach der Operation

  • Vermeiden Sie es, in den ersten Tagen nach der Operation schwere Gegenstände zu heben oder anstrengende Aktivitäten auszuüben.

  • Tragen Sie ein spezielles Verband oder Stirnband, um die Ohren in ihrer neuen Position zu halten und zu schützen.

  • Nehmen Sie die verschriebenen Schmerzmittel und Antibiotika ein, um Schmerzen und Infektionen zu vermeiden.

  • Vermeiden Sie es, Ihre Ohren in den ersten Wochen nach der Operation zu berühren oder zu kratzen.

  • Besuchen Sie Ihren Chirurgen regelmäßig zur Kontrolle des Heilungsprozesses und zur Entfernung von Nähten, wenn erforderlich.

  • Schützen Sie Ihre Ohren vor Sonneneinstrahlung und Wind, indem Sie Hüte oder Stirnbänder tragen, um das Risiko von Schmerzen oder Komplikationen zu verringern.

BEster Plastische Chirurg für Ohrenkorrektur in Hannover Berlin, Hamburg, Frankfurt. Ohrenkorrektur durch einen Schönheitschirurgen, otoplastik ohren anlegen kosten, ohren anlegen, ohren anlegen ohne op, ohren anlegen kinder, ohren anlegen lassen, ohren anlegen narbe, ohren anlegen fadenmethode, ohren anlegen lassen kosten, ohren anlegen vorher nachher, kosten ohren anlegen, ohren anlegen hausmittel, ohren anlegen schlechtes ergebnis, ohren anlegen kosten aok, ohren anlegen fadenmethode nachteile, ohren anlegen vorher-nachher, ohren anlegen kosten türkei, was kostet ohren anlegen, ohren anlegen op, ohren anlegen heilungsprozess.otoplastik, otoplastik kosten, bachmaier otoplastik, otoplastik formen, otoplastik kostenübernahme krankenkasse, otoplastik vorteile nachteile, otoplastik erfahrungen

Further information

Are there risks with theOtoplasty?

  • Smoking and alcohol consumption should be avoided before the operation in order not to disturb the healing of the wound

  • Anticoagulant medication should not be taken at least 14 days before the operation.

  • The risk to eyesight is almost impossible, except in rare cases.

  • After surgery, one should avoid activities that raise blood pressure and refrain from consuming alcohol and nicotine for up to 10 days.

  • The scar of the upper eyelid plastic is made using the natural fold of the eyelid and is usually unnoticed.

Further information




How much does it cost to put on ears using the thread method?

Answer: The cost of ear correction using the thread method varies depending on the clinic and doctor. Prices can range from several hundred to several thousand euros. Dr. Alawi carries out the surgical method of ear correction in Hanover. This allows us to produce long-term results for you.

Can you put on ears without surgery?

No, ear augmentation usually requires surgery to correct the shape and position of the ears.  However, there are also minimally invasive methods using the so-called Earfold method.


How long to apply bandage after ears?

The duration of the bandage depends on the individual healing time, which can be different for each person. However, the bandage is usually worn for a few days to about a week. 

What methods are there for making ears?

There are several surgical methods to create ears, including the threading method and traditional ear correction. Non-surgical options such as clip-on earrings or dentures offer only temporary results. 


The most frequently asked questions to the Ttopic otoplasty

Further information

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Find out more about the following cosmetic surgeries here


OUPC, Department of Plastic and Hand Surgery, Fetscherstr. 74,

01307 Dresden


0351 458-2006


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Assistant Professor Seyed Arash Alawi, MD

Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery

©2023 by THE PLASTIC SURGEON. Copyright PD Dr. medical habil. Seyed Arash Alawi.

Best Plastic Surgeon Hanover Dr. Alawi, cosmetic surgery Hanover, plastic surgery Hanover, aesthetic surgery Hanover, beauty clinic Hanover, cosmetic surgery Hanover, liposuction Hanover, breast enlargement Hanover, facelift Hanover, rhinoplasty Hanover, eyelid lift Hanover, tummy tuck Hanover, liposuction Hanover, Botox Hanover, wrinkle treatment Hanover, hair transplant Hanover, intimate surgery Hanover, skin tightening Hanover, eyelid correction Hanover, ear correction Hanover, breast lift Hanover, body contouring Hanover.
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