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Eine Bruststraffung, auch Mastopexie genannt, ist ein chirurgischer Eingriff, bei dem überschüssige Haut und Gewebe entfernt werden, um die Brüste zu straffen und anzuheben. Oft wird dies nach einer Schwangerschaft, Gewichtsabnahme oder aufgrund des natürlichen Alterungsprozesses durchgeführt. Dr. Alawi ist ein erfahrener Plastischer Chirurg, der eine Vielzahl von Techniken zur Bruststraffung anwendet, um natürliche und proportionale Ergebnisse zu erzielen.  Wichtige Suchbegriffe für die Bruststraffung sind Bruststraffung Kosten, Bruststraffung Narben, Bruststraffung Heilung, Bruststraffung Erfahrungen und Bruststraffung Vorher-Nachher. Es ist wichtig zu beachten, dass eine Bruststraffung eine individuelle Entscheidung ist und eine sorgfältige Planung und Beratung mit einem erfahrenen Plastischen Chirurgen erfordert.  Dr. Alawi bietet auch andere Brustoperationen an, wie z.B. Brustvergrößerung, Implantatwechsel, Brustverkleinerung und Brustrekonstruktion. Er ist spezialisiert auf die Behandlung von Komplikationen wie Kapselfibrose, Ruptur und Asymmetrie.  Wenn Sie sich für eine Brustoperation interessieren, sollten Sie sich an einen erfahrenen und qualifizierten Plastischen Chirurgen wie Dr. Alawi wenden. Mit seinen umfassenden Kenntnissen und Fähigkeiten kann er Ihnen helfen, Ihre Brustästhetikwünsche zu verwirklichen.  Weitere wichtige Suchbegriffe zur Brustchirurgie sind: ästhetische Chirurgie, Brustimplantate, natürliche Ergebnisse, beste plastische Chirurgen, Brustvergrößerung Hannover, Brustvergrößerung Dresden, Brustvergrößerung Hamburg, Brustvergrößerung Berlin, Implantatwechsel Hannover, Implantatwechsel Dresden, Implantatwechsel Hamburg und Implantatwechsel Berlin.


Body lift/liposuction

Duration of the procedure

Breast lift: 120 min.

Type of anesthesia

general anesthetic

Socially acceptable

1 week

Buccal Fat Removal Indication:

The facial contour is an expression of beauty and personality, a delicate symphony of lines and curves that tell our individual story. It is the result of a harmonious collaboration between bones, muscles and soft tissues, which together create a masterpiece that makes us unique.

An indication for buccal fat removal is excessive fat in the cheek area, causing a round or full facial profile. The procedure can help to achieve a slim and defined facial contourachieve and make the face appear slimmer overall. One option for patients seeking a narrow V-shaped face is surgical removal of the Bichat fat bodies, which are located in each cheek. Unlike hyaluronic acid or Botox, the results are permanent because these fat bodies are isolated from the rest of the body fat and cannot regenerate. Bichectomy requires approximately 30 minutes under local anesthesia and leaves no visible scars. However, it is important to note that the procedure is only indicated for certain facial shapes and proportions and is not suitable for everyone. 

Further information

Upper arm/thigh tightening


Drooping upper eyelids - so-called droopy eyelids - can be extremely annoying for those affected. The development of drooping eyelids can be attributed to various reasons. With age, the skin and tissue in the area of the upper eyelids lose elasticity and resilience. The musculature becomes weaker and as a result the upper eyelids begin to droop: the eyelid droops, the eyes appear small and the gaze looks tired. However, droopy eyelids can also be genetic.

An eyelid lift can remove drooping upper eyelids and give the face a more alert and younger look. Eyelid correction is one of the most common cosmetic surgeries.



A tightening of the upper eyelid is a standardized procedure in which excess skin in the area of the upper eyelid is removed. If necessary, the muscles are also tightened at the same time. Since the incision is made in the natural fold of the upper eyelid, no noticeable or visible scar remains after the drooping eyelid operation.


After the operation:

  • After tightening the upper eyelids, the eyelids may be swollen

  • This swelling can last up to two weeks

  • Cool eyelids after surgery

  • head elevation

  • Sunbathing or going to the solarium should be avoided,

  • The result of the eyelid lift can be seen about four weeks after the operation

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Further information


Each treatment is individual and unique. The anatomy, the current problem but also the current needs and wishes result in an individual treatment that is unique and geared towards you as a patient. 

The treatment includes both injection therapy (no surgery) with the use of Botox and fillers, but also surgery. Here is a brief overview of the procedures that you can carry out with us. 

your dr Alawi

Further information


OUPC, Department of Plastic and Hand Surgery, Fetscherstr. 74,

01307 Dresden


0351 458-2006


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Assistant Professor Seyed Arash Alawi, MD

Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery

©2023 by THE PLASTIC SURGEON. Copyright PD Dr. medical habil. Seyed Arash Alawi.

Best Plastic Surgeon Hanover Dr. Alawi, cosmetic surgery Hanover, plastic surgery Hanover, aesthetic surgery Hanover, beauty clinic Hanover, cosmetic surgery Hanover, liposuction Hanover, breast enlargement Hanover, facelift Hanover, rhinoplasty Hanover, eyelid lift Hanover, tummy tuck Hanover, liposuction Hanover, Botox Hanover, wrinkle treatment Hanover, hair transplant Hanover, intimate surgery Hanover, skin tightening Hanover, eyelid correction Hanover, ear correction Hanover, breast lift Hanover, body contouring Hanover.
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